Programming is like playing with LEGO bricks, except the bricks have sharp edges, and there's no instructions, and you're barefoot.

A picture of Louane Voisin-Anastasie

My story

Pixel to Code: An Adventure in Front-End Development

Hey there! I’m Louane, a quick learner with a passion for video games since childhood. Let me share my journey from dreaming of 3D artistry to falling in love with coding. Initially, I aspired to be a 3D artist, eager to craft characters and worlds. But then, I stumbled upon coding and everything changed.

Coding wasn't just lines on a screen—it was a language of creation. Each challenge felt like a level to conquer, each line a brushstroke in the digital canvas. Enter front-end development—the perfect blend of design and code. Crafting responsive layouts and enhancing user experiences became my new obsession.

So, there you have it—my journey from pixels to code. It's been a wild ride, and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

"Programming is the art of debugging a blank screen."
